Bird sanctuary sparkle - Oil on board 25 x 25cm
Then I painted the ornate Victorian Teddington lock, trying hard to avoid too many sharp edges, which I think was the problem with my previous attempts at this subject.
Teddington Lock shadows - Oil on board 35 x 35cm
Next I painted a view along the boathouses in Putney. I've tried painting this scene on a few occasions in the past year, but found it too complex to produce a convincing painting. I'm not terribly happy with the outcome. I lost control of some areas completely (near left side of the picture for instance), but certainly it's my best attempt so far. I have captured the hectic nature of the area and the white boat in the distance being carried across the road, a common feature of the scene, works well, so not a complete waste of time!
The boathouses - Oil on canvas 45 x 55cm
I visited Norfolk about a year ago and was impressed by the beauty of its skies. I took several photos. I've looked at them many times since. This week I finally plucked up the courage to have a go at one. The foliage in the foreground, which should really be the easiest bit, is not too convincing, whereas the rest of the scene sits comfortably in space. Will have another go at a similar picture in the future.
Norfolk clouds - Oil on canvas 45 x 55cm
On Friday I moved back to familiar territory. I have painted the two houseboats at the end of Putney pier about 20 times in the past 18 months. They always end up looking like... well a couple of boats at the end of a pier. By portraying one of them in a shaft of light, the viewer has to do a lot more work. I think I've finally made it a more satisfying subject.
Light shaft - Putney pier - Oil on canvas 35 x 45cm